Friday, March 21, 2008

6 Vital Question To Ask Yourself When Considering Homeschooling

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by Donald Saunders

Despite the fact that Homeschooling is now legal in every state, the choice to homeschool your children should not be made lightly. In-depth research and discussion will be necessary if you are to make a wise decision. So, how do you determine whether or not homeschooling is going to be right for your children?

Here are some questions to ask yourself if you are thinking about homeschooling as an option for your children.

1. Would I be happy spending almost all of my day with my children?

An important reason for choosing homeschooling is often that parents simply love their children and want what is thought to be best for them. They also genuinely do enjoy spending time in the company of their children, which is just as well since you will certainly be spending almost all of your time with them. If your children irritate you easily then homeschooling might not be a sensible choice.

2. Will IAm I going to find constant questioning a problem?

Homeschoolers are normally asked a constant stream of questions about things like what curriculum they are using and about the affect which homeschooling has on their childrens' development of good social skills. If you opt to homeschool your children then it will help if you do not mind answering the same questions over and over again.

3. Where can I go to find out all about homeschooling?

Check out books from your public library where there is most probably a very good selection of books which will furnish everything you will need to know. Your librarian might even be able to tell you whether there are any homeschoolers in the area, as virtually all homeschoolers rely heavily upon the library for teaching materials.

4. Will there be a support system available?

Getting details of a support network of other homeschoolers is extremely important and is often be achieved by getting onto the internet and searching for 'homeschool groups in (your state)' or 'homeschooling groups in (your city)'. There are homeschooling co-ops available in a lot of places together with plenty opportunities for families to simply get together and have some fun.

5. What if I have other questions?

Having located several families which are already homeschooling you ought to ask them about the pros and cons of homeschooling. Almost all people will be frank about their reasons for deciding upon homeschooling and will be quite happy to tell you about their experience and assist you in making an informed decision. Ask them what sorts of difficulties they came across when starting out and about things like how you should go about choosing a curriculum and whether you should be concerned about socialization for your children.

6. Which curriculum should I follow?

The choices of curriculum available are wide in terms of both the variety available and often in terms of the price which you will have to pay. Though you can create a 'home school' by picking books which are very similar to those used in the public schools, it is also possible to create a homeschool without following a fixed curriculum. The library books you checked out earlier should have explained the different methods and should have given you a good idea of precisely what your children should learn in each grade.

If you are looking at homeschooling your children then finding the answers to the 6 questions suggested here should assist you to make an informed decision. Although not everyone will choose to homeschool after examining this option, if you wish to have a greater involvement in the education of your children then homeschooling may just be right for you.

Parenting4dummies com provides information on everything from homeschooling requirements to homeschooling versus regular schools

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