Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Fascinating Force of Gravity

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by apple1165

ISAAC NEWTON, about 300 years ago, theorized how gravity works. He imagined a man throwing an object from the top of an unusually high mountain. If simply dropped, the object would fall, as would an apple, downward to the ground.

If, however, it was thrown forward, it would follow a curved path in falling to the ground. Newton then reasoned that if thrown fast enough, it would circle the earth in an orbit.

From this theorizing, the link between gravity and the movements of the moon and the planets became apparent to him: the moon bound in an orbit around the earth because of the pull of earth's gravity and the planets kept in their orbits by the sun's gravity.

A Universal Law

After careful study, Newton formulated a precise mathematical description of this universal law. Simply stated, Newton's equations said that all objects, small or large, exert a pull on one another, the strength of that pull being dependent on how massive the objects are and on the distance between them.

With some refinements, scientists still use Newton's basic formulas describing gravity, particularly in planning such space ventures as sending a space probe to encounter Halley's comet in 1985. In fact, English astronomer Edmond Halley, a colleague of Newton, used Newton's theories to predict the year when that comet would next appear.

Newton's discoveries about gravity gave him a glimpse of the order manifest in the universe, an orderliness that arises through intelligent design. But his work was by no means the final word on the subject. At the beginning of this century, scientists came to realize that some aspects of Newton's theories were inadequate, even inconsistent.

Einstein and Gravity

In 1916 Albert Einstein put forward his general theory of relativity. His amazing discovery was that gravity not only shapes the universe but also governs the way we see and measure it. Why, gravity even affects the way time is measured!

Again, an illustration helps clarify matters. Imagine space to be like a boundless rubber sheet. Now, placing an object on this flexible mat will cause a dimple, or depression. According to Einstein's description, the earth, the sun, and the stars are like objects on a flexible mat, causing space to curve. If you roll another object onto the rubber sheet, it will be deflected into a curved path by the depressed area around the first object.

Similarly, the earth, the planets, and the stars move along curved paths, following the natural "depressions" in space. Even a beam of light is deflected when passing near massive objects in the universe. Furthermore, Einstein's equations predicted that light traveling against gravity would lose some of its energy, as noted by a slight shift in color toward the red end of the spectrum. Physicists call this phenomenon gravitational redshift.

Thus, besides clearing up the discrepancies arising from Newton's discoveries, Einstein's theory revealed new secrets of how gravity works in the universe.

Fascinating Effects

The ability of gravity to affect the way light travels gives rise to some astonishing consequences that astronomers have observed.

Desert travelers have long been familiar with mirages optical illusions that have the appearance of water shimmering on the ground. Now, astronomers have photographed cosmic "mirages." How is this?

Light from a distant object, believed to be the active nucleus of a galaxy and called a quasar (or, quasi-stellar object), passes intervening galaxies in the line of sight from the earth. As the light passes the galaxies, it is bent by gravitational forces. The bending of the light forms two or more images of the one quasar. An observer on earth, thinking that light has come straight toward him, concludes that he is seeing more than one object.

Another fascinating aspect arising from Einstein's work concerns black holes. What are they, and what is their connection with gravity? A simple experiment serves to answer.

Try throwing an object above your head. You will notice that it rises to a certain height, stops momentarily, and then falls back to the ground. With light it is different. A beam of light can escape from earth's gravity because it travels fast enough.

Suppose now that the force of gravity was much stronger, strong enough to prevent even light from escaping. From such an object, nothing could escape. The object itself would be invisible because no light could escape its gravity and reach the eyes of an outside observer, hence the name black hole.

The German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild was the first to demonstrate the possibility, in theory, of black holes. Although there is, as yet, no unequivocal proof that black holes really do exist in the universe, astronomers have identified a number of possible candidates. Black holes may also be the hidden powerhouses of quasars.

Gravity Waves

On the basis of Einstein's work, we can also picture gravity as an invisible web, linking everything and holding the universe together. What happens when that web is disturbed?

Consider again the illustration of the rubber sheet, and suppose that an object on the sheet is suddenly jostled to and fro. The vibrations generated in the sheet will disturb nearby objects. Similarly, if a star were violently "jostled," ripples in space, or gravity waves, might be generated. Planets, stars, or galaxies caught in the path of a gravity wave would experience space itself contracting and expanding like a rubber sheet vibrating.

Since these waves have not as yet been detected, what proof do scientists have that Einstein's theory is correct? One of the best indications comes from a star system known as a binary pulsar. This consists of two neutron stars in orbit about a common center, with an orbital period of about eight hours. One of these stars is also a pulsar it emits a radio pulse as it rotates, like the sweeping light beam from a lighthouse. Thanks to the precise timing of the pulsar, astronomers can map the orbit of the two stars with great precision. They find that the time of orbit is slowly diminishing in exact agreement with Einstein's theory that gravity waves are being emitted.

On the earth, the effects of these waves are infinitesimal. To illustrate: On February 24, 1987, astronomers spotted a supernova a star undergoing a spectacular transformation, blazing forth with the brilliance of millions of suns as it blew off its outer layers. Gravity waves produced by the supernova would cause, on the earth, a shiver in dimension of only a millionth of the diameter of a hydrogen atom. Why so small a change? Because the energy would be spread out over a vast distance by the time the waves reached the earth.


In spite of great advances in knowledge, certain fundamental aspects of gravity still baffle scientists. It has long been assumed that there are basically four forces the electromagnetic force responsible for electricity and magnetism, the weak and the strong forces acting within the nucleus of the atom, and gravity. But why are there four? Could it be that all four are manifestations of a single fundamental force?

Recently it was established that the electromagnetic force and the weak force are manifestations of an underlying phenomenon the electroweak interaction and theories seek to unify the strong force with these two. Gravity, however, is the odd one out it does not seem to fit in with the others.

Scientists hope that clues may come from recent experiments performed in the Greenland ice sheet. Measurements made down a one-and-a-quarter-mile-deep [2,000 m] hole bored in the ice seemed to indicate that the force of gravity differed from what was expected. Previous experiments, performed down mine shafts and up television towers, likewise indicated that something mysterious was causing deviations from the predictions of the Newtonian description of gravity. Meanwhile, some theoreticians are trying to develop a new mathematical approach, the "superstring theory," in order to unify the forces of nature.

Gravity Vital for Life

The discoveries of both Newton and Einstein demonstrate that laws govern the movements of heavenly bodies and that gravity acts as a bond holding the universe together. A professor of physics, writing in New Scientist, drew attention to the evidence of design in these laws and said: "The most minute change in the relative strengths of gravitational and electromagnetic forces would turn stars like the Sun into blue giants or red dwarfs. All around us, we seem to see evidence that nature got it just right."

Without gravity we simply could not exist. Just consider: Gravity holds our sun together, sustaining its nuclear reactions, which supply our needed heat and light. Gravity keeps our spinning earth in orbit around the sun making day and night and seasons and prevents us from being thrown off like mud from a spinning wheel. Earth's atmosphere is held in place by gravity, while the pull of gravity from the moon and the sun generates regular tides that help circulate the waters of our oceans.

Using a tiny organ of our inner ear (otolith), we sense gravity and learn to take it into account from infancy when walking, running, or jumping. How much more difficult it is for astronauts when they have to cope with zero-gravity conditions in spaceflight!

Yes, gravity contributes to making life on earth normal for us. It is, indeed, a fascinating example of our Creator's "wonderful works." Job 37:14, 16.

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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Willie Never Had Braces

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by Missing Link

Willie never had braces, but it didn't impact his brilliant smile. The woman facing me across the table had lots of them, shiny and silver and they made her draw her lips and wipe her tongue across the front of them sometimes when she talked. Her blonde hair and her thirty-something blue eyes flashed as she made her case. She was at my meeting to argue for some of the Title I money. She wanted it for her child's school. She puled and she whined and she insisted that it was unfair for her child to be so deprived.

I found her attitude of entitlement repugnant. Here was a woman of privilege fighting for the scraps meant for the underprivileged. Here was a woman who measured all children as equal once they were inside the school house door. Here was a woman who probably spent more on her elaborate wedge hair cut than many families in poverty spend on a week's groceries. Her rings flashed and her bracelets jingled as she elaborated on the flawed federal law that restricted Title I money to the poorest schools.

I wanted her to know what she didn't know. I wanted to teach her about poverty and about how children aren't all equal when they arrive at school. So I told her about Willie.

I was a teacher years before in an inner city school and I taught fourth grade the year that Willie was in my class. My school was in the inner city and served children from one of the most poverty stricken areas in California, it was called North Richmond. This is a place that white people did not go if they knew what was good for them. It was a sad, desperate and violent place where drugs and gangs prevailed in a hideous cycle that killed most of the males and enslaved anyone who didn't find a way out. Willie lived there with his mother and his younger brother and sister.

Willie was a special kid and I pray for him still today. I trust that God saved Willie, because I was powerless to do so. He was a great kid, smart, and a good writer. He was on the school wrestling team and like most of the kids in that neighborhood Willie was a tough guy. But he wasn't mean.
One day Willie suddenly stopped coming to class. His absences continued for about two weeks and when I inquired at the office about Willie I was told that he had been picked up by Protective Services. It seemed that Willie's mother had disappeared and left the children. Willie's mother was a crack addict. I looked into the eyes of Miss Braces as I told the story and she was clearly unmoved and disgusted about the crack habit. I could imagine the valium in her purse tugging at her mind.

I went on to explain that I knew Willie's mother cared about her children. Despite being an obvious addict, this woman had kept her appointment with me for the annual parent teacher conference, she had come in with impenetrable black glasses and she sat in a chair opposite me. She sat turned away from me, with her back to me, and I imagined that she did so out of shame at her condition. She was skeletal and extremely lethargic, but she came, and she sat and she talked about her son Willie. She cared about his future, but she deeded his future to the school and to me.

Willie was discovered two weeks after his mother left. He and his brother and sister were continuing to live in the apartment alone. Throughout that two week period Willie continued to come to school. He continued to get his younger siblings to school. He fed them and he cared for them and he waited for his mother to return. He did this in spite of the fact that the power was turned off. Willie was an intelligent little boy. He knew that a neighbor had a credit account down at the corner grocery store. So Willie charged groceries to that account to feed his brother and sister, he bought candles to give them light to do homework, Willie knew how to survive. But the neighbor discovered what was going on and why. That's when Willie and his little family were picked up.

Most of the people in the room had tears in their eyes when I told this story. But not Miss Blonde in Braces, she was merely content to let the topic drop. But she was clearly annoyed that she'd been outflanked by a story about a poor little boy who lost his mother to crack.

It was a powerful truth in the room that Miss Blonde in Braces didn't feel the story, would not allow Willie's life to penetrate her arrogance. Willie had to skirt the gangs on the way to school. Willie had to steal to feed his brother and sister. Willie got his homework done in spite of his mother being high or simply absent. Willie was a lot stronger than most kids but he didn't start at the same starting line as the children born of Miss Braces. Willie started several laps behind her children.

Title I is meant to raise the opportunities inside the school house door for children like Willie. Schools can't change home circumstances but additional resources can enrich what happens at school. Kids like Willie deserve some help from those of us with enough money for cosmetic orthodontics and expensive haircuts. The Willies of this world didn't choose their life circumstances. If Willie's neighborhood got him, if he succumbed to drugs or violence, we all lost someone special.

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Monday, June 23, 2008

Austin Children’s Museum

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by Dane Smith

Austin families are lucky indeed to have a facility such as the Austin Children's Museum. With 7,000 square feet of interactive and educational permanent exhibits, inventive traveling features, story-times and public events, this museum serves as a hub of Austin's family community.

Upon entering, kids are delighted to board a scaled down Austin Metro bus. Sitting in the driver's seat or holding a strap in the passenger section, this exhibit is cleverly planned to distract the kiddos as the adult pays admission and learns about the day's events. Other permanent exhibits include the dairy cow, an oversized milk-cow statue with a looping video about dairy farming, with a doll-house sized barn and toy cows to play with. The Rising Star Ranch provides a wonderfully varied sensory experience especially designed for the under-two set, while the Tinkerer's Workshop allows older kids to experience creating their own structures by inventing, designing, building and testing their ideas.

This being Austin, music is emphasized in the amazing Austin Kiddie Limits. Fun for all ages (including adults), this room is a kid-oriented interactive version of the acclaimed live music television show Austin City Limits. With toy instruments, cowboy hats and other costume pieces, a stage and a video monitor, kids can play along with their favorite Austin musicians including Willie Nelson, Lyle Lovett, Miss Lavelle White, Asleep at the Wheel, Kelly Willis, Flaco Jimenez, and Toni Price. The best part is that the kids can see themselves on the video monitor, making it a real rock-star experience.

Their program offerings include something for every age group. Baby Bloomers is a weekly opportunity for kids under three to explore the entire facility with only toddlers and their caregivers in the museum. Discovery Time offers daily, hands-on activities that enhance the permanent and changing exhibits. Storytime, held in their large foyer, is offered for different age groups, and often includes music making, bubble blowing, and other interactive elements.

Gallery programs include the popular Wednesday Community Night, featuring different performances, storytelling, music and activities, and Science Sundays, featuring hands-on activities led by real honest-to-goodness scientists. Checkout the Childbloom guitar program for a cacophonous and hilarious take on combining story telling with accompaniment by the kids, or the Austin Keyboard Orchestra program to learn how to build and play an instrument.

Located in downtown Austin the Austin Children's Museum is centrally located for people in different areas of the city. It is also located close to other Austin attractions like Zilker Park the famed bat bridge so that visitors can see a number of fun Austin attractions in an afternoon.

The Austin Children's Museum offers camps during the summer and spring break, for ages 4 to 10. They offer seasonal programs including the popular Gingerbread House workshop in December. The facilities are available for birthday (and other kids of) parties, including sleep-over parties. Special events can also be held on the premises.

With a stated goal to help Austin's kids and families become more creative, more inventive, and more competent, the Austin Children's museum combines fun and education in a world-class facility.

Ki lives in Austin and enjoys the local music scene. He works as a realtor in the Austin real estate market. He also regularly writes on his blog about updates on Austin Texas real estate. His site features a graphical search of the Ausin MLS.

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Encino Personal Injury Attorney: Assessment, Law and Legal Help

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by Claysphere Rivera

"Motorcyclist dies after crashing into bridge", a familiar event that is not novel in our society today. The introduction may appear bluntly shocking, but it is not!

In almost all jurisdictions, this crippling situation is quite uncommon, as a fact, it is too all unavoidable. Most particularly, in Encino City-located in the greater Los Angeles, this classic personal injury involvement regularly happens or in a different scope, a non-issue.

With the never-ending growth of personal injury incidents in this part of Los Angeles, the Personal Injury Lawyers of the Encino City deemed best to make an assessment with these concerns. In addition, the attorney will give their input respecting the law and the travails in claim settlement and court trials as well legal formula for winning.

Assessment of Personal Injury involvement

As per record, all areas covered under the concept of Personal Injury have gained a mark in all injury related incidents in Encino City. A few of these events relates, car accident, hospital errors, industrial accidents and slip and falls.

The assessment has far gone to find that many of the injured victims has no real knowledge regarding their respective rights to claim for compensation and damages against the culprit. In effect, the injured was left with dilemma regarding how to be reimbursed for medical bills, loss of earnings and for other damages suffered.

With all the right information gathered, the Encino Lawyers continue by giving brief illumination of the law covering Personal Injury including the necessary legal information ascribed to the term, thus:

Personal Injury Law and Civil Lawsuits

Personal injury laws, commonly referred to as torts, are brought about by physical injury or mental anguish caused by actions or negligence of another party. Personal Injury is a broad legal concept that covers auto accidents, product defects and medical malpractice to name just a few.

The basis for legal responsibility for accidental personal injury or damages through the fault of another, the court looks for negligence or carelessness by one of the parties involved. The one to have been more negligent is the one legally responsible for at least part of the damages incurred.

To have more detailed account for this one, contact a Personal Injury Attorney in your area for clear lights.

Legal formula for winning

When confronted with personal injury legal battle, you may want to consider settling your claim or file constitutive case in court. Both avenues are permissive and sanctioned by law. Both has pros and cons.

Deciding which avenue to take is not always easy, especially when you just came from a crippling injury. With the help of Personal Injury Attorney, every nothing can be impossible.

For better formula in winning your personal injury battle, take this as a guide.

1. First thing, hire a qualified Personal Injury Attorney to represent you in you claim or case. Choose an attorney who has the following features:

• one who specializes in personal injury who have extensive experience in the field of personal injury
• One who keep current with the latest developments in personal injury law
• One who has considerable experience in dealing with insurance companies, especially the one who has proven record of ending successful negotiation
• Choose a personal injury lawyer with trial experience
• Choose an Attorney who knows how to communicate your claim or cause of action to the court

2. The victim should not be passive on things, especially in protecting their rights. Be proactive in defending your rights. In your injury involvement, take turns of gathering enough materials or information to substantiate your claim or causes of action.

3. Another thing, the victim should be proactive in preserving his right, which means that the victim should not sleep with your rights. Make a timely move to ventilate your concerns so that compensation for your injuries can be approximated at the earliest.

As a final word, personal injury phenomenon is hard to prevent, much more to avoid. It is a serious matter that needs a delicate consideration and given ample importance, especially when life is on hand. In order not to dampen your aspiration to receive fair compensation, think quickly and respond intelligently. To increase your chances of winning your injury claim or case, take this as your valuable guide as prepared by the Encino personal injury lawyers.

Our experienced personal injury lawyers are knowledgeable in accident laws and other related issues. To consult with our expert Los Angeles attorneys, you can log on to our official website and avail of our free case evaluation.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Texas Zip Code Map: Cheap Teaching Aid

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by Ashley Lichty

Geography in a classroom setting seems to be less of a priority in the curriculum then it used to be. Particularly when it comes to younger teens having the ability to read and understand maps and their symbols. It's likely that many high school teens in Texas and other areas would not be able to use a Texas zip code map, or any other type of map, to easily plot a route from their town to another. Throw a good GPS into the mix or access to the Internet for driving directions, and all bets are off.

Although technology seems to be slowly phasing out atlases, road maps and other physical maps, it's unlikely that the pictorial representation of areas is going anywhere. When you log on to get directions online you get not only the step by step directions themselves, but also a map to highlight the route. Even GPS navigational systems utilize a map to show an actual demo of the route suggested. So while many people may not be able to take a road map and plot a course, they definitely like the ability of watching it plotted out on a map for them as they program their GPS.

Regardless of how navigational advances may make most physical map-reading antiquated, and comprehension of map symbols and legends unnecessary, it's still a very important part of any child's education. Learning the language of "giving directions" is an important part of any culture, and map reading is an important part of basic literacy. Let's not forget that a teacher's tool like a Texas zip code map is an easy way to get children familiar with their own areas – an safety precaution as well as educational measure.

Possibly the best thing about utilizing a Texas zip code map in Texas classrooms is how inexpensive it is for teachers. Most teachers have to pay out of pocket for additional supplies and aids necessary in quality education. A zip code map of Texas can be purchased online for under $20. It's available instantly for download and can be kept forever and printed out as often as the educator needs.

Another favorable aspect of the Texas zip code map is that it isn't as cluttered and detailed as globes and atlases. Elementary school children take one look at a map with every single little road, creek, river, highway and feature of the landscape depicted on it and their minds go blank – it's information overload. A Texas zip code map simply includes major roads and landmarks, as well as zip code borders.

The map can be printed at a local copy shop or even right in the school. If the school has a good computer system and projector, or even an overhead transparency, then printing may be unnecessary. It's also more environmentally friendly, which is always a good lesson for today's youth. However, it's probably best to give each child their own Texas zip code map for whatever tasks, games or homework assigned.

Whatever lessons used to teach young children geography and map comprehension, they need to engage the child. A Texas zip code map can even be purchased by county so that you can get into more detailed areas. It will help children to become more familiar with their state, town and neighborhood and in some cases, knowing how to read a map and knowing your neighborhood can be just as important as a child memorizing their phone number and address. It also strengthens literacy and communication skills at the same time. When it comes to visual aids for geography, a Texas zip code map gives the teachers the best of both world: it's cheap and engaging for their students. Lesson learned!

You can get more information on a Texas zip code map, or zip code maps in general by checking out ZipCodeGuy. Ashley Lichty works part time as creative coordinator, content developer and promoter of She has a background in marketing with an emphasis in PPC advertising, SEO and copywriting.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Environmental Benefits of Shredding Paper

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by Tom Simmons

Shredding paper is not only a safe and secure way of preventing valuable information from getting into the hands of the wrong people. It is also a great way to contribute to helping the environment.

Shredding companies will recycle whatever paper they've shredded, allowing your garbage to be used again instead of wasting space in a landfill. Also, by recycling the shredded paper, you help prevent the destruction of more virgin forest normally used to produce more, non-eco-friendly paper.

And if you don't use a shredding company, shredded paper can still be put to better use than un-shredded paper. Enough shredded paper can be used as a substitute for Styrofoam peanuts when packing products. Not only is this cost-effective, but the shredded paper is less harmful to the environment than the Styrofoam. Shredded paper can also be composted rather than thrown into a landfill. Composting helps break the paper down naturally. And, of course, you can always still recycle the paper yourself.

By shredding paper instead of throwing it out, you open up numerous environmentally healthy alternatives to disposing of it rather than simply throwing it in the dumpster.

MicroShred : Florida's Confidential Document Shredding Service MicroShred, a high security shredding and recycling service in Southern Florida. Our secure shredding service insures that all sensitive materials will be destroyed beyond recognition. We provide a secure, convenient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly method to dispose of highly sensitive, confidential documents and other materials. Submitted by Tom Simmons at

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Get the Most Out of Homeschool Field Trips

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by GoldenTell

People would look at me horrified, and I would be mystified to justify that while we did not have a prim skill program, that my kids got stacks of knowledge instruction through arena trips and probing Internet searches. Field trips allow knowledge to be experiences instead of trained. Try to wait in context with what you are studying in other subjects. For instance, when we were studying early American History, we went to see the Titanic Exhibit. Besides the stumble reinforcing what they were wisdom about the historical proof of the significance, they also learned about rust and the knowledge of oodles and stresses that ultimately caused the send to sink. Mentally cook your children for the tumble. After deciding an exhibit to stay, seek for education activities that the children can do to make themselves for the stumble. For example, the Titanic Science Website has a 60 page boo let download with related hands on activities. My family went to the records and check out a team of historical biographies of people who had been on the ship, and a book based on the excavations of the Titanic. Timing is everything. Try to go on province trips when large groups are slightest possible to be there. I have found that schools holiday exhibits in the morning from 9 am pending lunch time and the universal broadcast visit exhibits in the sunset and weekends. The means the lunchtime hour through about 4pm are idyllic epoch to get exhibits all to manually. This means you will also have the tour guides to yourself.

Ask many questions. If there is a tour handbook presented, encourage your children to ask many questions to persuade their curiosity. If there are, no tour guides write down questions they come up with, and use the exhibit to explore and determine the answers for your questions. Look up remaining questions on the internet when you get home. Do admire-up studies after the spree. When I say do hunt up studies, I do not mean read a book and take an exam. What I like to do is let the children purchase a souvenir book, as they typically repress all the facts. I let them explore it at their leisure, and I find that will stay to confer the stumble for at slightest a month. Plan the next voyage. I try to give three weeks to a month between science exhibits. The gives children time excitedly to prepare for the spree and then to explore the business for a while on their own after the outing. When their discussions of the voyage are winding down, I know it time to graph the next pasture trip.

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Friday, June 13, 2008

Irish Language

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by Mairead Foley

So where did the Irish language come from you might ask? Well, it's believed it was the Celts who first brought an early form of Gaelic to Ireland. It was a Celtic language closely related to Scottish Gaelic and Manx Gaelic (spoken in the Isle of Man). The earliest form of primitive Irish in Ireland can be seen on ogham stone inscriptions around the 4th century. Modern Irish evolved around the 16th century and up until the 19th century, Irish was widely spoken in the country.

Nowadays, if you want to hear Irish people speaking in their native tongue, then you'll have to go to Gaeltacht areas when in Ireland. Gaeltacht areas are places in Ireland (mainly in the west) where the Irish language is still the everyday spoken language of the local people. Gaeltachts are not only Irish speaking areas, but are also the places where Irish customs, traditions, folklore, song, music and dance are very much kept alive. Most Gaeltacht speaking areas have summer schools where Irish is taught to students, while you might also stumble across some beginners classes if you want to learn the basics.

The biggest Gaeltacht area in Ireland is in County Galway. If you happen to be in this part of Ireland, go west of Galway city to an area called Connemara and you'll discover a land where it feels as if time has stood still. A landscape of unspoilt scenery, quite country roads, bogs, valleys, uncrowded and unpolluted sandy beaches is what you'll find here.

You'll also find Irish customs, traditions and the language at the very heart of the community. The Aran Islands off the coast of Galway are also part of the Irish speaking Gaeltacht. You might also be lucky enough to hear Irish spoken in Galway city, where you see bilingual signs and names of shops still in Irish.

Ireland's second largest Gaeltacht area is in County Donegal in the very north west of Ireland. Fringed by the Atlantic Ocean, Donegal is a county of outstanding natural beauty. The Gaeltacht can be found mainly in the west of the county, so head to areas like Fanad, Gweedore, Glencolmcille, Tory Island and Aranmore Island.

The Gaeltacht area in County Mayo is also quite extensive. If you want to visit an Irish speaking area here, then head for the little picturesque towns of Carrowteige, Aughleam and Tourmakeady.

The Gaeltacht area in County Kerry can mainly be found on the Dingle Peninsula, the most western tip of Europe. This rugged peninsula has some of the most spectacular scenery. It's jammed packed with about 2,000 archaelogical sights, picturesque villages, a coastline dotted with islands, beaches, cliffs and a vibrant town with its own resident dolphin!

Head west of Dingle town to areas like Ventry, Dunquin, Ballyferriter, Ballydavid and the Blasket Islands to hear the locals converse in their native tongue.

If you happen to be in west County Cork you can explore one of four Irish speaking communities. Ballyvourney is a picturesque little village which can be found just inside the Cork/Kerry border. Not far from Ballyvourney you can visit two other Irish speaking areas, namely Ballingeary and Coolea. Clear Island off the south coast of County Cork is a charming little island where Irish is also spoken as the everyday language.

The only Gaeltacht in the south east of Ireland can be found in County Waterford. The Irish language, culture and traditions are very prevalent here in an area known as Ring (An Rinn) and Old Parish (An Sean Phobal). To find this Gaeltacht area just drive about 10km south of Dungarvan town.

In the royal county of Meath, you'll find two little pockets of Irish speaking communities – Rathcairn and Gibbstown (about 70km from Dublin). The history of these two Irish speaking communities is quite different to others, in that they were formed when Irish speaking families from Connemara were resettled here back in the 1930's.

Experience a Gaeltacht area for yourself when you visit Ireland and maybe learn some 'cúpla focal' (Irish words). Gaeltacht areas are the last remaining unique and special parts of Ireland where there is a distinctive "Irishness" to be seen. So if you really want to get a feel for the Irish language and culture, put a trip to one of these Gaeltachts on your itinerary.

Check out for more articles on Irish culture.

Mairead Foley writes for Ireland travel website

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Audio Books for Children - The Benefits

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by suegold

Joining writing and math, reading is one of the most significant skills a child will encounter in school. Unfortunately, it is also one of the leading subjects most often dreaded and difficult to get youngsters to show an interest in. However, an increasing amount of parents and teachers are now discovering the ease and convenience of using audio books as a powerful learning tool.

Audio books present reading in a whole new light, as authors, professional actors, sound effects, and entertaining music bring to life the words that decorate the pages of books. Some of the most involved audio books for children assemble an entire cast of character voices to enhance the overall experience of reading along with audio.

Creating a Relationship with Words

As a child hears a book read on tape, they enter a journey where words seem friendlier and more approachable. The possibilities of reading become clearer, as an audio book is great at illustrating where learning the skill can really take you. A young reader is also more apt to establish a pattern of concentrating on the sounds of words without the interruption of personal reading obstacles. An audio also helps create the building blocks necessary for fluent reading.

Improved Listening Skills

Since audio books are read aloud, a significant understanding and exposure to the art of listening is cultivated. The skill of listening plays an important role in learning how to read better and is an ability that goes hand and hand when training to tackle a wide range of reading materials. As a result, a child's level of comprehension also becomes nurtured.

Create a Growing Interest

Today, a great deal of students shows little to no interest in reading because they've received minimal exposure to the positive and fun aspects of books. Audio books for children most often highlight interesting sound effects, catchy tunes, and changes in voices that are appealing and motivating for young readers. The combination of different voices, silly dialogue, and a playful presentation provides children of varying ages encouragement for a growing interest in what they can accomplish when learning how to read.

Audio books also allow narrators to enhance the storytelling aspect of a tale to present reading as a source of enjoyment rather than a forced skill taught in school. It is through this entertaining journey that children become excited and enthusiastic about the reading process, as they learn a deeper understanding of language, pronunciation, and the meaning of words.

Building a Vocabulary

A child is most likely to learn new vocabulary words by listening to their favorite stories on an audio book. Young readers additionally begin to develop a familiarity with common words and phrases that ultimately make learning how to read a much easier process to navigate.

Fun with Family and Friends

When friends gather together to listen to an audio book, the possibilities of a blossoming imagination are truly never ending. Just as Barbie dolls and action figures allow kids to explore their creativity through playful dialogue and actions, an audio book can accomplish the same thing. This learning tool also makes a great activity that can involve the entire family. A great example is seen when traveling down the open road, as audio books can help keep the peace amongst passengers on long trips to Grandma's house or family vacations.

About the Author: Steve Childens is owner of Audio Books Galore, an Audio Books Download Store online. At Chris's audio-book store, you can get quality Discount Audio Books at special prices.

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Insight21 Project

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by josefgraf

Earth Vision has launched a new project entitled Insight21 - answers for the 21st Century. The website presents various topics that entail front-runners in the need for answers for social and environmental issues. Some of these treatments include Waldorf Education, Biodynamic gardening, Anthroposophical Medicine, as well as various wisdom-centered perspectives form the deep pool of anthroposophical material and the lectures of Rudolf Steiner.

For the past year, Earth Vision has been active with its mandate to reach beyond environmentalism by presenting nature in the light of spiritual ecology.

The coordinator of the Earth Vision project is a seasoned explorer of wilderness, and researcher of Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy. Josef Graf contends that the environmental movement is becoming increasingly unable to address the issues of the day, and that a deeper perspective is needed. Citing the formidable output of Steiner, in which spiritual science effectively overtakes material science, the author asserts that spiritual ecology serves as an indispensable adjunct to material ecology.

The Earth Vision website uses the vehicle of eco-spirituality to explore the interweave between humanity and nature. Through excerpts from five books, each with a distinct approach, the viewer gains access to the wilderness within:

- a travelogue across North America;
- a calendar of nature and soul through the seasons;
- a global perspective of spiritual ecology down through the ages;
- a gallery that explores art, color theory, and the nature-soul dynamic;
- and a compendium of humor in the biography of Hebert Returns to America.

In addition to books, the EV project releases a seasonal, in-depth article addressing a current environmental issue - on topics such as the disappearing honeybees, the end of real estate, and the return of bison and wolf.

Humanity's impasse in the face of nature calls for extraordinary resolutions. Earth Vision provides an entry to one of those forums. In the words of Dorothy McLean, noted co-founder of Findhorn, "I read Earth Vision with delight. . . and appreciated the emphasis on humans sharing whatever qualities nature has. . . the words, and the spirit that shines through them, cannot but help people to expand their awareness."

The Earth Vision website presents spiritual ecology as a means of highlighting the nature-human relationship. In a bid to take readers to a deeper place with nature, the Earth Vision project diverges from the voice of the intellect, and enters into a language that speaks at the core of being, a poetic, non-cerebral voice that interlaces strands of nature with the human experience.

By means of condensed language, and with full existential bearing, spiritual ecology presents two doorways that lead, ultimately, to the same forum of discovery. The first approach, by penetrating into nature's core, arrives at a place where the human soul is discovered to be dwelling. The second approach entails the inverse of the first - penetrating into the human soul until the numerous aspects of nature are encountered.

As the author of Earth Vision, I express my sense of why spiritual ecology is not more widely and consciously lived into by suggesting that our connection with nature is so close - it could not possibly be closer - that we have difficulty discerning it. When you are one with something, it takes a special exercise in self-reflection to ascertain that something.

Josef Graf is the coordinator of Insight21 and Earth Vision - presenting answers for the 21st Century.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fun Science Projects are here

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by melonie

Fun science projects -- there are no shortage of project topics. But choosing the right project can make the difference between an ordinary or an extraordinary project. The secret is choosing a project in a science topic that excites the student. In choosing a topic that interests them, they will enjoy the work involved and will find that needed commitment to completing it. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of different topics out there for the student to choose a science fair project. The most popular subjects are life science, earth science and physical science. Other popular topics include health, computers, biology and chemistry.

If your child is a computer nerd then he or she may very well enjoy a project about the internet, about search engines or other aspects of the computer. There are many places to look for science fair project ideas about computer science. You could look it up on the internet, as well as doing some library research. Many projects have been done about which search engines give the most results, which search engines are faster, and similar topics.

Science fair projects in the earth science and environmental sciences are very popular today. With the advent of global warming, students who want to help save the world for future generations may be interested in these subjects. You could do projects on air and water pollution, on acid rain, on erosion and similar ideas. Here are some great ideas for earth science projects. Discovering Dinosaurs, Earth's Waters, Earth's Changing Surface, Exploring Stars, About our Planet, the Solar System, Living Earth, Volcanoes, and Weather Maps. Other subjects could include the Continental Drift, Avalanches, Earthquakes, the Grand Canyon, Living Fossils, and the Ice Age.

If the student is interested in becoming a doctor or a nurse, then maybe a health science fair project would be the right subject. The student could do research on disease, the use of pharmaceuticals and generic drugs, high blood pressure and countless other subjects.

For those who want to be the next famous chemist, a science fair project in the field of chemistry would be in order. This will require some equipment, laboratory procedures, and good discipline. The field of chemistry is so broad that the student should have little trouble finding a satisfactory project. Chemistry is a science that systematically studies the composition, properties, and activity of organic and inorganic substances and various elementary forms of matter. It is the scientific study of matter, its properties, and interactions with other matter and with energy. Its procedures are systematic and reproducible and its hypotheses are tested using the scientific method.

Isaac Newton is a role model for students who wish to do a science fair project in the field of physics. You will also need good discipline and usually require some special equipment. Physics projects can be simple or complex to suit the grade level. Physics is all around us. It is in the electric light you turn on in the morning; the car you drive to work; your wristwatch, cell phone, CD player, radio and television. It makes the stars shine every night and the sun shine every day, and it makes a baseball soar into the stands.

Physics is the science of matter, energy, space, and time. It describes the many forms of energy--such as kinetic energy, electrical energy, and mass--and the way energy can change from one form to another. It describes a malleable space-time and the way objects move through space and time.

There are many fields of physics such as mechanics, electricity, heat, sound, light, condensed matter, atomic physics, nuclear physics, and elementary particle physics. Physics is the foundation of all the physical sciences--such as chemistry, material science, and geology and is important for many other fields of human endeavor: biology, medicine, computing, ice hockey and television.

Science fair projects in the field of biology would be best suited for students who want to deal with living things. Biology is the scientific study of life. In biology we examine the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of living things. Biology classifies and describes organisms, their functions, how species exist and the interactions they have with the environment.

The word biology is derived from the Greek words /bios/ meaning /life/ and /logos/ meaning /study/ and is defined as the science of life and living organisms. Aspects of biological science range from the study of molecular mechanisms in cells, to the classification and behavior of organisms, how species evolve and interaction between ecosystems.

No matter what the interest of the student, there a science fair project perfectly suited to their particular tastes. There is just no sense in selecting a project by default. The student should spend some time considering his or her interests and then find the project that they will really enjoy doing. Science fair projects are not just about learning but should also be about having fun!

Visit fun science projects you'll loveit!

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Friday, June 6, 2008

Job for the IT savvy

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by Shen Gerald

Are you an IT savvy person? If you are, the following careers may be suitable for you.

1. Video Game tester. The Game Tester plays and evaluate video game before they are release into the general public.

2. Computer Software Developer. Computer software development is the job of writing, testing, troubleshooting, and maintaining the source code of computer software programs. This source code is written in a programming language. The computer software programmer is an expert in Computer programming.

3. IT system administrator. A system admin maintains the network's hardware and software. They also analyze problems and monitor networks to ensure their availability to users.

In life we have to work towards our goals. It is not just enough to hold onto a hope. We have to make the necessary decisions and take the appropriate actions towards the attainment of our aim. Therefore, even when one understands what he likes and wants to be, he must still work towards realising his dream.

Job interviews are the door way to a good job existence. As such it is really crucial. The following are some tips for presenting good appearance for job interview.

1. sit properly.

2. Don't trudge. Instead stride

3. Avoid pulling a long face

4. Put on your spectacles

Well, that is all for the article. Thank you for reading

The author runs Job Lense - list of careers, a career website which features many career profiles. The Database analyst job profile is included.

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

USA Immigration Lawyer Services

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by Reva Cruz

The services offered by immigration lawyers in the USA are of great assistance when a person makes a decision to immigrate to the USA. Experienced immigration lawyers can determine the most suitable visa category for you. They offer you an interactive, innovative, and easy-to-use questionnaire that asks for all the basic facts and information required to start your visa process.

Immigration lawyer services in the USA are available for:

• Family-based visas
• Work visas and marriage visas
• Green cards
• Executive transfers
• Fiancée visas
• Citizenship and administrative appeals
• I-751 petitions to remove conditional residence
• Mergers & acquisitions
• Adjustment of status
• Employer regulatory compliance

In addition to the above, the lawyers assist with investor visas, litigation and appeals, consular processing, permanent residence, student visas, and global visas. They also handle naturalization procedures of foreign nationals who wish to become US citizens, and legal issues associated with refugees. They advise clients on employment verification, government audits and investigations. Additionally, they obtain green cards for clients and advise them on strategic ways to obtain them fast.

USA immigration lawyer services eliminate the burden and hassle of immigration paperwork. These lawyers assist companies and individuals with the complete visa application process that includes professional determination of the most suitable visa category and the accurate preparation of visa application. They carefully evaluate your circumstances, then select and prepare a visa application suitable for your requirements. After completing a thorough evaluation of your visa application, they accumulate it with all the required documentation and submit the application to appropriate government agencies for approval. Before you are called for an interview with the immigration officer, the lawyers offer you expert advice on how to handle consular interviews.

Immigration lawyers help a number of clients ranging from multinational executives to treaty investors, software professionals, researchers and scientists, as well as artists, athletes, entertainers and fashion models. For those who are seeking employment, they give employment guidance.

With the support of the latest online visa processing technologies, immigration lawyers and law firms in the USA offer fast, secure and economical immigration services.

Reva Cruz is an immigrant lawyer. John Roth & Associates have successfully completed over 8000 K visa and marriage visa petitions. What's more, our total number of K-1 visa, K-2, I-130 K-3, K-4 and other fiancée and marriage related visas exceeds 12,000.

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

About MP3 Audio Books

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by suegold

What is an MP3 player's primary function? To play music, of course, would be the answer. Well, yes, but that doesn't mean that an MP3 player cannot perform other functions. Nowadays these smart players can be used to play different file formats, viewing photographs, videos and even playing games. But the very fact that they play MP3 files can make them versatile enough. MP3s need not necessarily be songs only.

This intelligent file format has been found to be incredibly useful for other purposes too – like MP3 audio books. However not all MP3 players are suitable for listening to audio books. If you are in the market for a player and are interested in audio books then there are certain things you need to be aware of.

First you should be aware of how much memory your player has and how much it can be expanded to (if it can be expanded at all.) This is an important feature anyway as the amount of storage space you have on the player will also help determine the price and, therefore, whether it fits your budget or not. Flash memory is used on most MP3 players. Some have slots for memory cards like MMC and SD/Mini SD/Micro SD. If you want to listen to MP3 audio books on your device then you should try and get as much storage capacity as possible. A minimum of 128MB is needed for some audio books.

Another thing you should check out is the maximum volume that the MP3 player can support. How loud a player can play will be an important feature as it will determine whether or not you can hear the audio book being played in noisy situations like most public spaces. Some MP3 players do have a feature that limits the volume so you might want to give these a miss if you are focusing on MP3 audio books. Test the volume at the shop before you commit yourself to a purchase.

Finally, perhaps, the most important feature an MP3 player needs to have in order to be audio book friendly is to be able to resume from wherever you left off. MP3 audio books are long MP3 files which you probably will not listen to all at one go. Therefore you will want to resume listening to the book file from the point you stopped at. Therefore your MP3 player needs to be able to do that rather than just return to the beginning of the file which can be extremely frustrating. Not all MP3 players can do this so you should check to see whether the one you are buying can or not. First stop and resume, then stop, switch off before switching on and resuming play. Also try replacing batteries.

MP3 audio books are a good idea and keeping them on your personal MP3 players can help you spend time on your commute, journey, gym or anything in a nice, relaxed manner. So go ahead and download, you might even win a free MP3 player!

Author, Steve Childens is owner of the website that offers you MP3 Audio Books. At this site you can get great discount audio books by top publishers at special low prices.

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

About Discount Audio Books

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by suegold

Audio books over the past ten years or so have grown into one of the most popular ways of disseminating information. Owing to the fact that not many people have the time to sit and go through books these days, audio books are the best possible alternative. Most people these days do not have access to any public library because they are fast waning. Some, even if they do, hardly have the time to visit them to hunt for books they would like to read. Therefore, nothing suits them more than books that are delivered to them at their doorstep. Discounted books in the audio format are an additional bonus.

Several online audio book providers are willing to ship their resource of audio books to you at a discount. Like books that are borrowed from a library, these need to be returned after use. The best part is that these books can reused, that is to say, they can be listened to more than once while they are with the users. Whether or not an audio book online library is willing to give you the entire book in the audio format at once is a mater of internal policy for that particular site. While sites like deliver their books in full irrespective of the number of discs they will require to ship in all, there are other sites that break up massive books into manageable parts and ship only one part at a time, on demand.

It is important to understand how these online audio book libraries work. The site of which you are e member will contain a queue of your audio books. This means that the books that you wish to order can be queued up so that when you return the previous books you ordered, the next one on your list can be immediately mailed to you, without any delay. Another advantage of maintaining a queue is that, the discounted audio books that you want will almost always remain in stock because you have been queuing them up for a long time. Therefore, you will almost never experience delay just because the book that you wished to have has been lent out to some one else and therefore could not be given out to you.

The audio book rental services found online are ideal in many ways. They let you access a wide range of books in the audio format. Another plus point is that they allow you to choose the format of audio that suits you best - be it cassettes or CDs. They charge only a very nominal amount, allowing to you get your stock of audio books at highly discounted rates. They are also very useful if you have to play and replay them if you are listening to something very important and have not been table to jot it down in your notes.

Author, Steve Childens is owner of the site where you can get top publisher audio books at great prices. His discount audio books store gives you many title at special prices. Visit discount audio book today.

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

How Children Acquire - The Importance Of Playfulness Acquisition

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by Vladimir Chen

Intelligence is a real crucial matter. A deliberate aim through it has evermore requirement gathered up to expand inward the creation. The more levelheaded a child is, the further encounters he has from accepting an improve future. And so, it's genuinely crucial since parents to guarantee that their child embodies gifted on a certain degree of intelligence. Or, at the very least, the chance to maximize the attainable he or she bears. Generally, the labor by formulating the kids intelligence constitutes primarily stacked upon a parent's shoulders. Schoolhouses are there to add on what a parent gives established the youngster. Simply at long last, whether or not the kid will constitute well-informed testament depend upon the child himself.

Factors and intelligence information

Nearly kids are nether believe that learning are something tiring and boring. Only on that point are a few kids who feature a instinctive passion for acquisition, and it embodies these kids that are generally categorized as 'achievers'. Intelligent kids are generally those who experience a confirming mental attitude towards learning, particularly acquisition grammar as youngsters. And although each kids potential for intelligence are already predetermined along his genes, however a lot from that expected the kid may consume is regulated along extraneous agents, such as the work of parents or instructors.

Extraneous components that involve Intelligence

First of all notions are really crucial because kids. Inward a great deal as is pattern that they front most find out that they ought stand back by fervor on bringing whipped through with something quick, kids, likewise, produce beliefs close to considering contingent on their first gear lives. Whenever the nurture presents the idea that to determine English for kids field responsibility, thus the kid could deliberate them intrinsically and could cast out them in favour from more gratifying matters corresponding confluence, for instance. All the same, whenever the parent or the instructor delivers amusing English for youngsters determining equally something amusing and gratifying by the rattling head start, and so the kid represents more probable to hold an favorable position toward them. And whenever the kid makes an confident mental attitude toward discovering English because youngsters, he bequeath equal more sensory toward Modern fact and less coerced to find out newfangled matters, therefore, imparting to his personal growth and assisting him extend to his reliable potency.

Besides, whenever you attempt to observe, matters that concern you generally persevere in your maneuver more farseeing than issues that you come up drilling. Whenever a kid features a disconfirming mental attitude towards discovering, and then anything that's acquainted to him for sharpening ended would automatically constitute separated plot 'numbing' or 'tiresome'. All the same, if regulating forms presented to him since something 'fun', and then he has more potential to discover something he has really resided certain he won't constitute close-minded just about the capacities causing upward discovered. Therefore, on that point are plots of ground since finding out English that nurtures and instructors bear habit. On that point are also English language strains because pampers likewise equally English dictionary since youngsters that could assist too. However to instruct English for youngsters ought be diverting and so equally to assist it comprehend the oral communication better.

Vladimir Chen is an e-learning expert at Mingoville – a universally accepted English program to make language learning fun and enjoyable. Sign up for free at to learn more about its edutainment concept.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Central Texas School District Profile: Dripping Springs ISD

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by austinbroker

Aristotle once said "The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." Today educators have found that learning does not have to be tough or something disagreeable. In fact, most good educators will tell you that learning is fun and not hard at all, and that's what many of the school districts in and around the Austin area focus on. "Getting children educated, the right way and leaving no child behind" An Independent School District who sets an example as being able to do this is the Dripping Springs ISD.

The City of Dripping Springs is located about 19 miles west of Austin in the northwest portion of Hays County. For people that are moving and are worried about where their children are going to go to school then the Dripping Springs Independent School District area is the perfect choice. The district offers a well rounded school curriculum, including many extra curricular activities, and focuses on student achievement. The curriculum is designed to address children's needs from preschool all the way up to 12th grade and in every aspect works on acquiring student excellence. The Dripping Springs ISD curriculum is made to provide each student the best chances for success.

Benefits of Living in the Dripping Springs ISD

  • Five Campuses and one special education facility – This is a small school district which means the administrators and teachers have more time to dedicate to each and every student. On average there are 20 students for every teacher.

  • Academic achievement and an outstanding extracurricular program. DSISD Students participate in many U.I.L competitions.

  • Dripping Springs Elementary School is rated exemplary and other schools in the school district including Walnut Springs Elementary, DS middle and DS high schools are recognized schools. To make this statistic a little clearer, out of 1,033 Texas School districts only 13 are considered exemplary and only 307 are RECOGNIZED.

In the Dripping Springs School District, the parents and the community are active members and participate in everything that has to do with the schools. The P.T.A and the P.T.O. associations are very strong programs in this area, and parents are well informed of everything that goes on with their children in school, and of all school activities.

If you are looking for a home in the right school district and the education of your children is a MAJOR factor when choosing that home, then you really want to consider the Dripping Springs area, as the DSISD is one of best school districts in the area.

Austin Referral Realty is a team of Austin Realtors in Southwest Austin, Texas. We provide representation within the Dripping Springs ISD. Search Austin MLS Listings for Dripping Springs Real Estate currently for sale.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Central Texas School District Profile: Dripping Springs ISD

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by austinbroker

Aristotle once said "The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." Today educators have found that learning does not have to be tough or something disagreeable. In fact, most good educators will tell you that learning is fun and not hard at all, and that's what many of the school districts in and around the Austin area focus on. "Getting children educated, the right way and leaving no child behind" An Independent School District who sets an example as being able to do this is the Dripping Springs ISD.

The City of Dripping Springs is located about 19 miles west of Austin in the northwest portion of Hays County. For people that are moving and are worried about where their children are going to go to school then the Dripping Springs Independent School District area is the perfect choice. The district offers a well rounded school curriculum, including many extra curricular activities, and focuses on student achievement. The curriculum is designed to address children's needs from preschool all the way up to 12th grade and in every aspect works on acquiring student excellence. The Dripping Springs ISD curriculum is made to provide each student the best chances for success.

Benefits of Living in the Dripping Springs ISD

  • Five Campuses and one special education facility – This is a small school district which means the administrators and teachers have more time to dedicate to each and every student. On average there are 20 students for every teacher.

  • Academic achievement and an outstanding extracurricular program. DSISD Students participate in many U.I.L competitions.

  • Dripping Springs Elementary School is rated exemplary and other schools in the school district including Walnut Springs Elementary, DS middle and DS high schools are recognized schools. To make this statistic a little clearer, out of 1,033 Texas School districts only 13 are considered exemplary and only 307 are RECOGNIZED.

In the Dripping Springs School District, the parents and the community are active members and participate in everything that has to do with the schools. The P.T.A and the P.T.O. associations are very strong programs in this area, and parents are well informed of everything that goes on with their children in school, and of all school activities.

If you are looking for a home in the right school district and the education of your children is a MAJOR factor when choosing that home, then you really want to consider the Dripping Springs area, as the DSISD is one of best school districts in the area.

Austin Referral Realty is a team of Austin Realtors in Southwest Austin, Texas. We provide representation within the Dripping Springs ISD. Search Austin MLS Listings for Dripping Springs Real Estate currently for sale.

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Friday, May 9, 2008

Round Rock Independent School District

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by austinbroker

Round Rock is among the fastest growing cities in the United States. Round Rock was named the Safest City in Texas for two consecutive years, based on a national survey of crime statistics of cities with populations of more than 75,000. Round Rock was ranked as the 13th Safest City in the U.S. In addition to that honor, the city of Round Rock was selected as one of the 100 Best Communities for Young People by America's Promise, The Alliance for Youth.

Round Rock Independent School District consists of 4 high schools, 8 middle schools, 27 elementary schools, and 3 alternative campuses serving a student population of 40,000.

International Baccalaureate Programs are offered at Anderson Mill Elementary, Spicewood Elementary, Grisham Middle, and Westwood High Schools.

RRISD offers Academy programs, each with a specific academic focus, within the high school programs. McNeil High offers the Engineering Academy and the Health Science Academy. Round Rock High offers the Business and Finance Academy, and the Professional Educator Academy. The Information Technology Academy and the Science and Medicine Academy are offered at Stony Point High. The Fine Arts Academy and the International Baccalaureate Academy are at Westwood High.

On the Texas Education Agency Academic Excellence Indicator System for 2007, Round Rock ISD received an Academically Acceptable rating.

Schools receiving Exemplary ratings from TEA for 2007 included Brushy Creek, Cactus Ranch, Canyon Creek, Caraway, Fern Bluff, Great Oaks, Jollyville, Laurel Mountain, and Spicewood Elementary Schools.

RRISD schools that have been honored by the U.S. Department of Education as National Blue Ribbon Schools include Fern Bluff, Jollyville, Live Oak, North Oaks, and Pond Springs Elementary Schools, Canyon Vista, C.D. Fulkes, Chisholm Trail, and Grisham Middle Schools, and McNeil and Westwood High Schools.

In December 2007, Texas Monthly magazine named 18 RRISD schools to its list of High Performing Public Schools. Included on the list were Blackland Prairie, Brushy Creek, Cactus Ranch, Canyon Creek, Fern Bluff, Forest North, Great Oaks, Caraway, Laurel Mountain, and Spicewood Elementary Schools, and Canyon Vista, Cedar Valley, Deerpark, and Ridgeview Middle Schools. McNeil, Round Rock, and Westwood High Schools, along with Stony Point Ninth Grade Center, were also recognized as High Performing Public Schools.

Newsweek Magazine named three RRISD schools to its annual list of top high schools in May 2007. The RRISD schools included Westwood, Round Rock, and Stony Point High Schools, all of which ranked in the top five percent of schools in the U.S.

U.S. News and World Report magazine awarded Westwood High School a silver medal in its November 2007 issue identifying America's Best High Schools.

Six RRISD schools were named to the Texas Business and Education Coalition 2007 Honor Roll. Schools awarded this distinction were Canyon Creek, Fern Bluff, Laurel Mountain and Pond Springs Elementary Schools, Canyon Vista Middle School, and Westwood High School.

The widely diverse student population of RRISD has a demographic makeup of 10.3 Hispanic, 54.7 Native American, and 10.1 of the student population and 7.9% of the students have English as a second language.

Austin Referral Realty is your source for Round Rock ISD Real Estate. Our Austin Realtors provide free home buyer representation for all Round Rock MLS Listings on our site. Search thousands of Austin area homes for sale in over 11 Central Texas school districts.

Article Source: Round Rock Independent School District

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Ways to Use Biomass Energy

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by davet

There are many different ways to use biomass energy. Today, we are going to look at four different categories: biofuels, biopower, bioproducts, and space heating and cooling.


The two most common types of biofuels are ethanol and biodiesel. The most familiarly used form of ethanol ismade from the starch in corn grain, and it is added into petroleum-based fuels to reduce toxic air emissions and increase octane. It is also available as an alternative fuel known as E-85. This type of fuel contains 83% ethanol during the summer and 70% in the winter.

Biodiesel, on the other hand, is made from soybean oil. Though not as popular as its ethanol counterpart, it has significant benefits to air quality. Biodiesel is usually mixed at 20% with petroleum diesel, and it is called B-20. The same process that is used to create biofuels can also be used to create antifreeze, plastics, glues, artificial sweeteners and toothpaste gels.


The only renewable electrical generation that is used more than biopower is hydropower. Biomass is created using direct combustion using conventional boilers that burn waste wood products. Steam is produced by this combustion, which, in turn, spins a turbine, activating a generator that creates electricity.

When biomass is turned to gas prior to this combustion, toxic materials are removed from the process. These systems are useful for powering isolated communities with electricity. There are significant amounts of biomass resources in the eastern half of the United States.


Bioproducts are products that can be made from fossil fuels. These products general require a reduced amount of energy to create than petroleum-based products. If oxygen is present when heating biomass, more of the two gases produced. This process is called biosynthesis, and it can be utilized to create plastics and acids. These, in turn, can be used to create photographic films, textiles, and synthetic fabrics.

On the other hand, when biomass is heated without oxygen, pyrolysis oil is formed and phenol can be extracted from this formation. Wood adhesives, molded plastics, and foam insulation can then be created from phenol.

Space Heating and Cooling

"Heating and cooling account for about 56% of the energy use in a typical US home, making it the largest energy expense for most homes." Because there are many options available in regards to heating and cooling, it is important to research the most efficient ways to utilize renewable energy. Whether you are installing the systems into a new home, or replacing the systems in an existing home, numerous choices are at your disposal.

David Tanguay is dedicated to providing research, reviews & helpful information to consumers and businesses. For more information related to Green Energy and Biofuels please visit

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Practical Homeshooling Tips - Home Schooling Syllabus That's Pre-packed

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by Jane A. Smith

Home school is your definite choice. Then how you get the best Syllabus? Pre-packaged syllabuses are galore for home schools. The best thing that comes across with regards to homeschooling is that it allows to make the choice with the syllabus you think you would like your child like to learn. Now what are the best home schooling syllabuses and how to you make the correct choice?

Incase your requirements can be fulfilled from a Christian teaching then there exists quite a few prepackages syllabus that will be right for your child. The two best worth a mention are the BJU Press home school syllabus and also the Abeka homeschooling syllabus. Mary Pride has given both these syllabuses high reviews.

Each of these 2 syllabuses encompasses all major topics. A creationist view is given to science teaching. BJU Press far more traditional than Abeka. This could be important while taking a final decision. Both the two have received the rating of being amongst the best curriculums for home school. These syllabuses could be either found on websites or at you're nearest bookstores.

Your requirements could be beyond Christian impartations. If your preference is that of a worldview that's conservative Christian then too the choices are extensive. While if requirements need you to create a selection of varied publishers all into one to suit your needs then consider Saxon for math or Math-U-See.

Both of these are outstanding. If you subscribe to then they give to the option to pick and create syllabus. All the various possible types of syllabuses can be found here which makes this site completely unique, more so because you are allowed to that a full syllabus subscription or just pick each book, as you wish. If your requirements take you beyond 10 books then a subscription will serve you better. This provides you with complete site information access, plus updates the full year round.

Online schools also give recognized syllabuses for home school purposes. You won't have difficulty in finding such schools, as they are aplenty. Then there are assignments that are given grades and also there exists tutors/teachers that will offer help and reply to your queries through IM or email. There are a few states that do not accept this brand of home schooling to be home schooling. Take all facts into consideration before you go any further.

You can also take the inorganic way to home school development purchasing a pre-owned homeschool syllabus. This can lead to a cost effective homeschool. If the child in your house is more than one, the prepackaged syllabus could make a hole in your pocket. Each subject's cost could be in access of $100. Whereas if you have five kids and want to impart many teachings then a cost effective option would be private schools. Pre=owned syllabus would really save you a lot of money.

At you could find nice home school syllabus reviews or else Mary Pride too might be a good choice. Mary has done many prepackaged reviews and has even rated them so all you need to do is read her reviews and make a selection. So a visit to this site can give more answers that you would have questions.

Discover the art of informal homeschooling in home and learn where to get the best pre-packaged curriculum for homeschooling at

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