Sunday, April 13, 2008

Learn The Basics First!

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by S. Simon

Learn the basics of real estate before you try to become an in investor.

It is very distressing to se how many people are swept up into the carnival like atmosphere that the "Real Estate" hustlers are able to create both on their infomercials and their high pressure web based squeeze pages.

In both cases (tv and the web) the idea is to obtain small amounts of money from people watching and or reading, and then send them to the next program or website to obtain even more money from them.

In most cases the information that is being sold or offered free, but not really free, is generic real estate information. Usually out of date and even worse specific for one geographic area, while not being applicable in another!
The course, or secret is never worth what is being charged, and is frequently absolutely worthless, in some case being illegal!

Real estate is a wonderful vehicle for building wealth and independance; but you must learn the "Basics" before you try to become an investor.

The best place to start would be with the introductory courses required for real estate licensure.

The State of Florida has a very robust basic Sales Associate requirement for its approved courses. The Sales Associate course for Florida can be taken online, is set up to take at least 63 hours of study, and best of all it can be purchased from an online school like mine, Steve Simon School of Real Estate, for under $300.

It introduces the student to legal descriptions, real estate law, agency relationships, appraising, property management, investment analysis and much more...

Steve Simon School of Real Estate, visit us at: Usefull web tools, Free! at:

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